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Herdenk Saul Lilienthal

Saul Lilienthal

Klein Jerutten, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 67 years

Occupation: Boarding house owner



About Saul Lilienthal

Saul Lilienthal was the Oberkantor (chief hazzan) of the large Michelsberg Synagogue in Wiesbaden. During the Kristallnacht in November 1938, the synagogue was set ablaze. Shortly thereafter he and his wife came to Amsterdam, where their eldest son Lebrecht already lived. Two other children from this family also fled Germany and survived the war.
Saul Lilienthal was sent to Auschwitz through West…

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Saul Lilienthal and his family

The Aktive Museum Spiegelgasse in Wiesbaden devoted an Erinnerungsblatt to Saul and Berta Lilienthal.

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Koffer in Auschwitz

Mogelijk bevindt de koffer van Saul Lilienthal zich in museum Auschwitz, PMO-II-1-1715. De inventaris vermeldt: Lilienthal, 21.10.1877 Amsterdam.

Bron: Yad Vashem,

List of Jews who arrived in Auschwitz, based on the names found on the suitcases they brought to the camp

Record Group: O.41 - Lists and Documentation of Perished and Persecuted Collection.

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Lilienthal published a book "Jüdische Wanderungen in Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Hessen-Nassau"

The book published in 1938 prior to his move to the Netherlands is organized by town and describes various hikes in Hessen.  He included descriptions of the Jewish communities in the many small villages of the area (and Frankfurt) including facts about the community such as number of families, year it was established, etc.

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Address & residents

Address in January 1941 – December 1941

Jekerstraat 21 III, Amsterdam

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Other family members

No other family known (yet)