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Bingen, 11 July 1922 – Auschwitz, 30 September 1942
Reached the age of 20 years
Lotte Brück
Collectie Joods Historisch Museum, Particuliere collectie
Stolpersteine Bingen
Lili Elisabeth Brück-Natt met haar kinderen Walter en Lotte
Bron: privé archief
Lotte Brück's brother emigrated to Palestine. Addition of a visitor of the website
More information about Lotte Brück can be found on www.dokin.nl
Lotte came to the Netherlands on January 29th, 1939, straight to Wieringen. She was a Zionist and was training in the household department. Last address in Germany: Adolf Hitlerstr. 31, Bingen Source: National Archives, 2.04.58, inv 130 and others
Nieuwesluizerweg A 18, Wieringerwaard