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Herdenk Rosetta Victoria Scheffer-Levitus

Rosetta Victoria Scheffer-Levitus

Bellingwolde, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 48 years



About Rosetta Victoria Scheffer-Levitus

Rosetta Victoria Levitus was the seventh child of Heiman Levitus and Esther Kosses. Six months after she was born, the family moved from Bellingwolde to Winschoten and from there to Amsterdam (in 1903), where they lived on the Joden Houttuinen.
On 30 April 1913 Rosetta Victoria Levitus married Salomon Scheffer, born in Amsterdam on 4 August 1891 as the son of Barend Scheffer and Betje Lelie. The c…

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No other family known (yet)